We got a resounding round of applause from all the old biddies watching on, then we both got death stares from management. There was a huge round of applause when the juniors from the academy took to the stage. With a roar of laughter and a big round of applause, the soldiers ask if she'll be at the dance. He received a special mention in assembly on Friday, and was given a round of applause by his fellow pupils after they were told of the rescue.Ī great round of applause sounded, and she tried to stand up and take a bow, but fell to the ground laughing. He was given a well-deserved rapturous round of applause at the start of what would be his last game in tangerine. If there is an image appearing on this blog that belongs to you and you do not wish for it appear on this site, please E-mail with a link to said image and it will be promptly removed.A bhangra by children to highlight the merriment of Baisakhi won a generous round of applause. MOOF claims no credit for any images posted on this site unless otherwise noted. Hooveriii have their finger on the pulse and keep levitating us.Ī Round of Applause was released 29/7 on The Reverberation Appreciation Society.

With the final track “The Pearl”, our space troopers have reached their final destination after many twists and turns, it is a sunny and celebratory piece of pop that ends the odyssey. “Stone Men” makes a stark transition on the darker side of the force with its tribal beat, endowing the album with a more mythological quest while Iguana leans more on the exotic side. Yet they manage to make their mark all the way through
They walk a path less trodden and defy the odds with a full mosaic of influences they weave a colorful canvas from, something you could peer at with a magnifying glass and find a myriad of components. They never state the obvious and play with the listener, leaving you on tenterhooks whilst shaking your booty.Ī tidal wave of raw energy, this rollercoaster of a record bursts with all kinds of mental pictures that keep the listener alert and propel you by leaps and bounds across time and space. Moving at light speed, they incorporate elements of various decades, particularly the nineties on “Time – The Outlaw” and “My Directive”. These warriors enable you to travel in time. There is nonetheless a distinctly groovy ambiance underlying, though, something more fluid than on the two previous records and one is reminded with the words, “We could just stay dancing all night.” One of the pinnacles on this hell of a trip, “Water Lily” may remind one of Nolan Potter’s Nightmare Band‘s Nightmare Forever, the atmospheres are similarly baroque and equally thought provoking. “Water Lily” adds a medieval touch to the narrative, where one may picture the band slaying dragons in space. This is an utterly eventful journey and one will come across turbulences but Bert Hoover‘s vocals and lyrics will comfort you before you come across major obstacles. You boarded this bombastic vessel and are now a stowaway at your own risk. “See” greets you into familiar territory, getting gradually ready for ignition before “Out of Time” turns up the power and takes off. Their music is like a colossal spaceship that flies across the solar system and their trajectory is literally interstellar. Carrying on their epic astral trail, Hooveriii are back in force with their third album A Round of Applause, reaching a new milestone on their sound quest.